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One thought on “Contact

  1. Dr. Hanna Rogers:
    Comradely greetings. First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is Maria Juliana Zamora; I’m currently a senior Philosphy/ Literature student at the Pontifical Xaveriana University in Bogotá, Colombia. I’m writing you because I’m very itnerested in reading your Ph.D. dissertation “Art or Science? The Practices of Tactical Media.” in order to support a small investigation on corporal modifications I’m doing for a workshop I’m taking this semester. Since I know there’s he chance that it might be quite complicated asking for the whole document, I would like to humbly ask you if you had any written article on this topic or if there was any other kind of publication I could use to continue my investigation. I’d really appreciate any help you could provide me with.

    Maria Juliana Zamora Varela


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